The Sanford Sewerage District protects public health, water quality, and the environment by maintaining a wastewater collection system and treatment facility in a manner that assures compliance with all policies, permits, and regulations set forth by the board of trustees, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and Environmental Protection Agency.
Clean water is essential to our health; it’s something we make use of every day, and it’s also something we take for granted. It is our responsibility to make sure that our community’s water is completely safe for all uses, and that our practices are effective and sustainable. Wastewater facilities are the largest water recyclers in the world!
We make human health our number one priority, but we also care deeply for the environment. Sanitation is no small task, and we know all too well the kind of negative impact tainted water can have on a landscape. That’s why our state-of-the-art facilities are built to clean and recycle water without harming our surrounding ecosystems.
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Click here to see our 2011 Charter
The Sanford Sewerage District was established in 1947 by a Special Act of Legislature for the purpose of managing the town’s sanitary and storm sewers. As time went on, sanitation and stormwater treatment were separated, and our facility as we now know it had its beginnings.
Over the last several decades we have worked hard to keep pace with developing water quality standards established by the Clean Water Act and our community’s need to address pollution associated with everyday water consumption. Our facilities have been rebuilt and upgraded more than once to accommodate the ever-improving science of wastewater treatment.
At present we manage 70 miles of gravity and 16 pumping stations that convey wastewater to the treatment plant for sanitation. Our multi-million dollar facility is one of the largest in the state, and we treat the septage from surrounding towns as well as that of Sanford. Within a year, our new compost facility will be up and running.
It may surprise you to know that the area immediately surrounding our facilities is the most frequented birding area in York County. Out of the 436 species of birds in Maine, about 230 have been spotted on our property! We love being able to provide a place for both the birds and those who enjoy spotting them.